Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Morning Mantra

To start off my morning besides my tea and a bagel, I read through my ever growing list of blogs. Then I move on to newspapers and magazines. As a publicist it is your job to keep up on what everyone is talking and writing about in the field you are in.

Here is a little rundown on what my chic bloggers are talking about today.

The Fashion Bomb expores the Summer Trend: Fedoras

Ask Fashion Kitty talks about the Trend Alert: Fringe

Black Pearl highlights the looks she loves

I Like Her Style Likes His Style

Flats & Frappuccino's has their eye on Season 2 of Baldwin Hills- (Which one of my clients clothes will be featured this season)


Anonymous said...

glad i came across your blog - i work in entertainment pr and will be interested to read your posts...great start :o)

GangStarr Girl said...

Hmmm...this is an interesting blog, now I must go check out some of the others. I'm on the other side of what you do (a journalist) but I used to work in PR.

yummy411 said...

checking in! hoping you come back soon!